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El ritmo de vida del sujeto contemporáneo nos hace cuestionar su singularidad humana donde se tensiona su condición existencial entre ser un individuo y parte de una masa al mismo tiempo. Su identidad difusa y casi inexistente deambula por los no-lugares, espacios colectivos como metros, aeropuertos, autopistas, pero paradójicamente de una manera tan solitaria que pareciera ser su condena. Subjetividades cromáticas se ven esfumadas en líneas rectas que trascienden su tránsito cotidiano, reproduciendo una cultura que se ha hecho presente en todas las grandes urbes del mundo.

¿Qué pasaría si saliera de pronto de esa cotidianidad y se viera inmerso en un escenario distinto que lo obligue a enfrentar sus orígenes? ¿Será capaz de observar y conectar con un mundo al que le dio la espalda? ¿Podrá descubrir su identidad o estará tan programado para una vida donde la inercia le impide cuestionar la forma en que conduce su existencia?





The rhythm of life of the contemporary man makes us question his human singularity where his existential condition is placed in tension between being an individual and part of a mass at the same time. His diffuse and almost non-existent identity wanders through non-places, collective spaces such as subways, airports, highways, but paradoxically in such a lonely way that it seems to be his condemnation. Chromatic subjectivities are blurred in straight lines that transcend their daily transit, reproducing a culture that has become present in all the major cities of the world.

What if he suddenly leaves that everyday life and found himself immersed in a different scenario that forces him to face his origins? Will he be able to observe and connect with a world he has turned his back on? Will he be able to discover his identity, or will he be so programmed for a life where inertia prevents him from questioning the way in which he conducts his existence?

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